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- "The myopia boom" - nature (Springer Nature Limited)
- "Short-sightedness now a global epidemic" - Health Awareness UK
- "Nearsightedness, or myopia, is becoming more prevalent worldwide." - National Institutes of Health (US goverment site)
- "Short-sightedness has become an epidemic" - The Economist
- "Why short-sightedness is on the rise" - BBC
CodePen - How To Auto Change Content
- Augenärzte sorgen sich um zunehmend schlechte Augen bei Kindern" - Business Insider
- "Darum werden wir immer kurzsichtiger" - QUARKS
- "Generation kurzsichtig" - ARTE (Doku)
- "Die Myopie - eine globale Epidemie" - CooperVision
- "Deutschlands neue Volkskrankheit" - WELT
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